Achieve your goals by making Git commits everyday.

A platform that gives you a push to make Git commits everyday.

Get Commitathon 💪
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Working on your startup everyday is challenging

And yet, spending just a few minutes everyday is what ultimately brings us closer to our goals.


Get stuck in development


Take a long break because you can't make progress


Quit project

Gamify development with 2 easy steps

Commitathon is a challenge where the aim is to make at least one commit for 7 consecutive days. You can play the challenge by following 2 simple steps:

1. Push a commit to your remote repository

Once you make changes to your project, push the commits to your remote repository for Commitathon to detect them.


2. Celebrate your win!

Then you can visit to celebrate your win for the day!


Build a habit, make a git commit and achieve your goals!

The Challenger Plan

Challenge yourself with a 7-day Commitathon




  • Challenge duration of 7 days
  • Unlimited attempts
Start Commitathon 💪

Pay once. Access forever.

Refund up to 7 days after purchase.


Frequently Asked Questions

  • You get access to a web app
  • Yes! You can request a refund within 7 days of your purchase. Reach out by email.

  • Commitathon detects the push Webhook event when a commit is pushed to your remote repository.

    It then reads the timestamp of the latest commit in the `commits` array.

    Commitathon does not read any other data other than the timestamp of the commits.

  • Cool, contact us by email: